Head of the Department Message - College of Computer Science & Information Systems
Praise due to Allah alone, and peace and blessing be upon his prophet, Mohammed, and upon his family and companions.
Praise be to God; the Department of Network and Communications Engineering at Najran University has been inaugurated under the direction of His Excellency the President of the University to achieve the strategic goals of the university in line with the Kingdom's vision 2030. Today, Najran University, with the support of our wise government, possesses the human and material resources to push the wheel of development, and God has honored us with the success of this university despite its recent establishment. We, in the Network and Communications Engineering Department, are working to create a vibrant society capable of realizing the importance of the stage we are living in now, future prospects.
We look forward to the participation of male and female students in the renaissance of the homeland and to unleash their potential. Our youth are the pillars of the success of Vision 2030 and with them the Kingdom to flourish and the leadership vision to be realized.
Where we aim to qualify and prepare national cadres in the field of computer networks with high efficiency. We seek to develop the skills of male and female students to be able to analyze and design traditional and modern wired and wireless networks on mathematical basics and engineering skills, and to conduct scientific and engineering experiments to provide professional solutions in the field of network engineering that help to adapt to the continuous technical development in digital and analog communication systems, and to prepare male and female students in an exemplary setting. To learn about contemporary and future issues in the field of network security, and to provide scientific solutions that contribute to the development and service of society.
On my behalf and on behalf of my colleagues in the Department of Network and Communications Engineering, we welcome you to the department's website at the College of Computer Science and Information Systems at the University of Najran, hoping to present to you all our knowledge and capabilities to keep pace with scientific developments in this field.
I hope you will find on the site the full answer to your questions about the department, and we are always honored to visit, communicate, and serve you.
Head of Department